Friday, June 6, 2008

Well...a recap of my first week at Hermitage First Assembly of God...

Well there it went...the first week of my internship with Hermitage First Assembly of God. I must say I never thought of what Pastors did throughout the week during work hours. But this week I have really have come to realize that there is a lot to plan and organize within the church and it takes much time and preparation throughout the week. Even though it is a church it has to be ran almost like a business. I'd hate to say that a Church is like a Business but a Church has a lot of organization that has business tendencies. Throughout the week I've done a lot, I've done a hospital visitation, went out with the pastor and his wife, and prepared an upcoming Youth outreach. One of the things Pastor Rich said to me at the beginning of the week was this, "I don't know what I do during office hours but I do it all day". Thats basically what church office hours are like...You do tons of different things that need done at a certain deadline, they might not be all extremely important but they need to be done. So its been very interesting, I went home Wednesday night and got to hang out with my parents and my girlfriend so that was exciting, its pretty sweet to be able to have off Thursday's and to hopefully go home each week and keep in touch with all my friends and family at home. Thats just a little recap of how things are going on my end, hopefully I'll start doing posts, kinda like devotional type things....anyways, take care and have a great...Peace.

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