Well I think I'd have to say that things went really well Monday and Tuesday. This is the first time I've ever really been in charge of any type of project like this. I really enjoyed working with the students and I was really impressed at how they wanted to learn and serve the surrounding communities. Me and Nate Rosswog really understood that we had to make clear to them how much we are thankful for them and how much potential they have to able to do this. Nate Rosswog was our speaker and he did absolutely amazing. He talked about things such as Why we are Christians, Why when we love God we love others, and the Kingdom of God being here and now. It was really great and I was so impressed with him. And I'd take him to be our speaker over anyone really. He was definitely effective in the way he explained these tough topics and the only thing I regretted at the end of those 2 days was that we didn't have nearly as many kids as I wish we had.
The point of this outreach was to really show the communities that we want to serve and to not always expect something in return. On Monday there must have been at least 15 people who tried to give us donations even after we explained what we were there for. Some people were very acceptive and we were able to talk with them and to let them know what we were all about. I really believe a lot of people throughout Sharon were effected by the good things that we did, and i'm pretty pumped about that. Didn't do a grocery giveaway like I really wanted to, but we did give away a bunch of Pop and Cd's with a short message on it and that was just as sweet. But yeah, i'm definitely happy about how things went Monday and Tuesday and if I ever do something like this again, I would definitely try to promote this more than we did. Promoting events ahead of time is what its all about, and I didn't do that very well. So thats something I learned for next time. I'm really thankful for how things went, and I feel a lot better about myself when it comes to leading others.
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15 hours ago
Glad to hear that everything went well! I'm sure you did a great job organizing it!
I didn't know you had a blog! I will be getting this on RSS feed if possible. I love it.
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