You ever come in contact with people who strongly disagree with something that you absolutely agree with? When you yourself have studied up on this topic so much to the point that it's become an absolute truth to you, something that you would never disregard or have disbelief in. To me, this is one of the crappiest feelings a person could get. Am I wrong in my own opinions or has the other person made wrong assumptions without doing the actual research to even come to a valid opinion on something...
What is it then? Should I end up confused about life thinking, "Maybe my thoughts and ideas are wrong?".
And then when we actually share our opinions, people just don't want to listen? Why is this? Can we really not engage in the issue by looking at both sides?
When we study things I believe we should look at both sides of the arguement...the more you look at both sides the better it is to come to the realization of Truth. You look at one side of the arguement and think "Wow this seems really whack"...Ok Why do you think it is whack? Tell me why, Let me know why you think this is whack?
From my observation I just feel like we as people really struggle with finding a knowledgeable observation on a subject...religion, politics, and even a observation of another person they've heard about...not even really knowing the person "personally" but just making a observation from a far...How can you make an observation of a person you've heard stories about? What an awful thing to do...make a generalization that could completely be wrong...and then you live outside of the truth...we do this to everything...people, religion, politics, other countries.
Maybe I'm wrong about everything...or...?
Anyways, let me know what you guys think about this? Has something like this ever happened to you?
Just today I was out of the office at lunch. When I returned, I was sitting in my office, when I heard a fellow-employee exclaim, "I see you're back!"
To which I promptly replied, "I have a front, too!"
You GOTTA see both sides, man. Gives you the whole pic.
I agree with Rich, just not with his cheese.
You have to know both sides to come up with what you believe.
Agree with my cheese, too.
It really happened.
Nah, I'm always right.
People don't argue with swords.
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