Sunday, July 19, 2009

Overwhelming yet fulfilling morning...

Although I missed out on an amazing service at I had the opportunity to preach at my home and childhood church "Shady Avenue Christian Assembly". I appreciate all of those who prayed that I would do well and most important the man Pastor Rich Jones. He is truly an awesome man, and I've never seen someone fit in so perfectly as a pastor of a Church then when I look at him and look at all the great things he's done already in Millvale. Truly a perfect fit for him, and him and his church are going to do incredible things for that community.

This morning was a great experience for me personally, although my amazing girlfriend was not there I knew she would be with me through the whole thing helping with the amazing encouragement she gives. Just being able to preach in front of all my family members and friends was a very intimidating experience but also, very awesome.

I preached about "Imago dei" which in hebrew is the word for "Image of God". I've never really poured my heart out as much as I did this morning especially in front of that many people, there was only like (40) but still. The objective of my message was to express that God through the creation process really had a lot of hope for humanity, by creating them and letting them occupy the beautiful world he made for us. Therefore if we are to accept all of these blessings God has already given us then we should value creation for example, being good stewards of the earth and most importantly loving our neighbor as thyself. This world is full of to much injustice and anguish for us to sit around and not do anything about it. Sure we can say "This world is just to mest up" but if we're going to live according to Jesus, then we should re-evaluate what the Gospel is telling humanity. 

Jesus says, "When I was thirsty you didn't give me anything to drink".

When God says that we were made in his image it means that when we help or do wrong against another human like ourself we are denying God in a way. 

Jesus is calling his followers and humanity in general to recognize that his image is in everything that has been created, therefore why do wrong if you don't like when another human does wrong against you...Why do wrong against God's beautifully handcrafted creation?

"God said let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.

So God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

1 comment:

Pastor Rich said...

Great thoughts, Nate! I am proud of you, bro, and I wish I could have been there!