Without a doubt I think I've learned a lot more this summer than any other summer in my lifetime. I've gained confidence in myself, and I've learned how to do things I've always wanted to do. The big thing for me this summer was investing a lot of time into things I love the most. I've found out how much I love to edit my own videos, creating and editing pictures in photoshop and working on my sermons the way I feel is most comfortable to me. I just really enjoy creativity, and I love finding the areas of it I enjoy the most. Thats really been my main focus these days, to do things with a creative mindset, it helps me so much. It's like therapy for me, because one of my main struggles is self-image and what people think of me. So when I can develop or create something I enjoy so much, it builds up my self-esteem each time.
I can't thank the people here at First Assembly of God enough. Before I came here I really had negative views towards the "church" and how effective it really is for people. But I've really met some amazing people, and I really believe they trully grasp what it means to love others and to do things the way Jesus did. They really do bring the Kingdom of God here and throughout the church. It's not the most cutting edge church you can find...but who cares. These people love one another and they really care for their community.
Anyways, I've really enjoyed myself here and I've loved working under all of the Pastors and leaders throughout the Church. And most importantly...big props goes out to my boy Pastor Rich, he's motivated me so much, and he's never cut me any slack when it came to running things by myself. He gave me deadlines and he made me do things on my own, sometimes without any of his help, and thats one of the things I've appreciated the most. He's had a lot of faith in handing me things to do and he hasn't treated me like I couldn't do something on my own. A lot of people throughout my life have never really had that faith in me, and now that I've seen people do that to me, I don't let it happen anymore. If I can tell someone is frustrated with me or thinks I can't do something on my own, I will tell them and I will not take that crap. It's been something I've felt comfortable with saying to people who I felt hasn't had respect towards me, so thats what I'm going to continue to do. I don't appreciate when people don't have respect for others for no reason, it just doesn't make sense to me....
Anyways, haha. I thank all of you for reading this, and If you trully have read through this whole thing than you really must be a great person so Thanks. Appreciate all of you.
Delight over Distraction: A Conversation with John Piper
In a world of distracted minds and divided hearts, we need the delight that
comes from seeing the real Jesus in God’s living word.
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15 hours ago
1 comment:
I love reading your blog. It's so current!
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