For once in my life, I feel accomplished and proud. It's an extremely weird feeling to me, I mean previously I've gone throughout life always messing up and not doing well at anything. I've never trully felt accomplished at anything i've done. I would cheat on other peoples work and never take the time to accomplish something on my own. But yesterday, yesterday felt so different and good.
Throughout the week I was preparing for the Wednesday night Re:volution service. I did all the things that Pastor Rich told me I should do...edited videos...made my own game show...did my sermon...the whole production. I really took this assignment serious, I've never done that before. It made me feel so good about myself, and it made me feel like I really could do Youth Ministry some day if I really feel led there.
I'm all about believing in the students...and I wanted to get that across to them last night. I talked about how much potential they had and how they could do the things that Christ did and tells us to do. I even used the word beautiful at least 5 times, I love that word.
I felt accomplished when Pastor Rich told me i did a great job and that the service was "Beautiful" lol. Yes, good ol Pastor Rich...I've had a great time this summer working with him and the other pastors in the church. It's not the most progressively relevant church out there, but the people live up to who they say they are...and thats what its all about. I won't forget this summer...this could have been the beginning of something I'll be doing for the rest of my life, but who knows. Thanks a lot for reading my Blog, Love you guys.
P.S I Love You Megan.
Delight over Distraction: A Conversation with John Piper
In a world of distracted minds and divided hearts, we need the delight that
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15 hours ago
I love you too....Good joob I'm proud of you.
Dude I'm mad proud of you man!!! I know i wasn't there to see it all, but i'm sure it rocked!!! You're so my boy man! Glad to hear God's fully moving in your life!! Can't wait to see ya man!!!
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